In chess the opponent playing the white pieces always goes first. Chess openings for white should be explored and practiced in order to gain a better lead against the opponent playing the black pieces. White spends the first part of the game trying to convert this advantage into something more lasting. Chess openings for white can provide the path the rest of the game will take. A winning game plan in chess starts with the first move. Therefore, chess openings for white would seem to be an integral part of the chess game.
All chess openings will begin with white. It is just a matter of which opening white will take. There are different types of openings in any chess game but what chess opening is played depends on how white wants to play the game. There are choices of chess openings to immediately gain control of the center or to sacrifice other chess pieces in the hope of gaining control later. These openings all have their advantages and disadvantages depending on the opponent. The more chess you play, the better you will know chess openings for white and what they can do for you.
The beginning of any chess game offers white twenty possible first moves or the chess openings for white. The moves that are most popular would be 1.e4, 1.d4, 1.Nf3, and 1.c4. These moves are considered the most popular of chess opening moves because they do the most to promote rapid development and control of the center. These moves by white will have black struggling to win the game.
There are other accepted opening moves by white but these moves are also less consistent with the opening principles of chess than the previously mentioned four moves. Using an Nc3 move or the Dunst opening will develop a knight to a good square but is considered to be somewhat inflexible because it blocks the c-pawn of white. In this move the d5 Knight is liable to be kicked to an inferior square.
Bird’s opening or moving to f4 is another reasonable opening move for white. This opening addresses center control but not the center development. This position will also weaken the king’s position slightly. The Sokolsky opening consists of moving b4 while the king and queen’s fianchettos consist of moving b3 and g3. These moves aid development a bit but they are slower than the more popular openings and only address the control of the center peripherally.
This leaves a remaining eleven possibilities for chess openings for white. These last eleven openings are rarely played at the top levels of chess. The best of these remaining moves are merely slow like c3, d3, and e3. The worst possible openings ignore the center control and weaken white’s position like moving a3, f3, or g4. These opening moves can also place your knights on poor squares like Na3 and Nh3.
Chess opening moves for white then seem to control the full game but if not played well or thought out could still lose the game for white. The opponent who is playing white will still need to know how to play chess after the opening moves are made. If the white opponent makes a smart opening move there is a good chance that they will have the lead in the game for a while. This makes black struggle to take control of the game and win. White only needs to think ahead and keep the beginning control of the chess game that it started with. Chess openings for white are then very important to both the white opponent and the black opponent.
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